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Much fun at BuEx, but even more food

Today is Saturday, the last day of our trip has arrived. Since we had a great time exploring the night life of Bucharest yesterday, we were allowed to sleep a bit longer than the past days. We had free time till half past two. Some people went sightseeing in Bucharest and others enjoyed sleeping in a bit longer.

Sightseeing in Bucharest included many different highlights. First of all we went to ‘Old Court’ in the old part of town, the resting place of Vlad the Impaler, also known as Dracula. After a small walk we came to Pasjul villa cross, which was an old shopping mall. Finally, we reached Revolution square, a square that represents an important part of the history of the city.

At the same time other people went for what almost seemed like a traditional breakfast, found in  the nearest subway. This breakfast (which helped some of the night owls gain some energy for the rest of the day) was followed by a search for souvenirs. This appeared to be a bit more of a challenge since the souvenirs seemed almost hidden in the new part of Bucharest. In the old town of Bucharest the hunt for souvenirs was however successfully concluded.

After lunch, we gathered at half past two at the Palace of Parliament. At 2 o’clock we had a tour through this enormous building. The palace of Parliament is the largest building in the world after the Pentagon in the USA. The Palace of Parliament houses the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Not only the building itself was ginormous but also what could be found inside. For instance a giant chandelier which weight was about 5 ton. If right now you’re thinking “one giant chandelier in such a big building is not really too much” you are surely wrong. In the building there are at least 480 chandeliers to be found, with the second largest at 3 ton.  The chandeliers were not the only thing which could be found on such a large scale. We were also shown a carpet which weighs 3 tons and had to be rolled out with at least 30 people. When bringing this carpet inside, this had to be done in multiple smaller parts because otherwise it would not fit properly.

After the tour we had some free time again, before we would have to meet up at Caru’ cu Bere, the restaurant were we had our last dinner with the complete group. Since we had been walking around for a while, some of us decided to sit down somewhere in old town. While searching for a place which offered nachos, craved by part of the group, a nice restaurant Bordello was found. Until this time it is still not completely sure if the restaurant changed into an actual bordello in the evening or just really committed to their theme.

When arriving at Caru’ cu Bere we found ourselves in a very busy and seemingly traditional restaurant. We were seated at the tables reserved for us and were instructed to choose one of the dishes which we could share with one of our fellow BAT-travellers. However, it seemed this choice was already made for us by accident. Where we expected to choose 12 dishes we were actually served 24 dishes. This lead to one of the most extensive dinner ever seen by any of us. It was delicious but way too much. Of course this lead to many funny ideas of what to do with this food, from giving everyone who did not finish at least one of the plates a fine to slowly replacing all the BAT-travelers by homeless people and leaving them in the restaurant with a paid bill and lots of food. Luckily we got all of the remaining food in doggy bags and in this way we could still give some of the homeless people in the city a smile on their face.

After dinner, we thanked the committee for organizing this amazing trip and we went back to our hostel to sleep or relax in the living room. We had till 02:45 hours till the bus would arrive, on which time the entire group was standing outside half asleep and ready to go home. At 3 o’clock we left the hostel and went to the airport north of Bucharest. During the bus trip we could see the Arc the Triomphe, which was one of the highlights of Bucharest. During the flight most of us tried to get as much sleep as possible and at arrival on the airport we collected our stuff and said goodbye to each other. While driving with the bus to Eindhoven station we said goodbye to each other one stop at the time. This unfortunately meant the end of our amazing study trip to Bucharest and Transylvania.

– Marjolijn Kleijer & Dana de Vreede

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